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OUR MISSION - "Catholic Daughters of the Americas strive to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all mankind."
Local Projects
Court Santa Cruz #1298 Baby Shower March 2021
Court Santa Cruz #1298 held a baby shower to beneft CareNet in Las Cruces, NM. Monetary donations as well as donations of items needed were collected to be donated. The first Saturday Rosary was prayed as well.

Court Santa Rosa De Lima #2276, Court our Lady of Sorrows #1308, Court Empress of the Americas #1796 and Court St. Helen of the Cross #2435
Local courts working hard to make our Convention a success!

State Projects
Daily Novenas
The New Mexico State Court leads daily Novenas on their Facebook page. The pandemic isolated so many of us and we could not pray and worship together. The State Court started this in order to still have contact with our members locally and nationally.

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